The 'Helicopter Economics Investing Guide' is meant to help educate people on how to make profitable investing choices in the current economic environment. We have coined this term to describe the current monetary and fiscal policies of the U.S. government, which involve unprecedented money printing. This is the official blog of the New York Investing meetup.
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Precious metals had a spectacular rally on Monday. While spot gold was up 1.9% on the day and hit another all time high at $1140.80, spot silver and palladium were the stars, rising 5.6% and 5.7% respectively (platinum was up 4.2%). At more than one point silver was up over a dollar and ended trading at 5:15PM New York time up 98 cents to close at $18.42. Silver has been stuck in a trading range between $16 and $18 since September and this was the first decisive break and first close above that range. Trading volume on the EFT SLV was approximately double normal levels and was highly supportive of the move up.
Now that silver has made its move higher, the spot price needs to stay above $17.70 (the low for the day) to maintain the breakout. The reason silver was stuck at the $16 to $18 level was because of a band of resistance at those prices established in March to July 2008. There is a further resistance point around $19.00 that still needs to be taken out. After that, a test of the 2008 high just under $21 will be possible. Some more consolidation should be expected around those levels and this is likely to take place in December. Silver and gold are seasonally strong in the early part of the year though and tend to form intermediate tops in March or April, so a move to the $25 area, long-term resistance from the late 1970s, is a target price for silver next spring.
As the precious metals continue to rise, you will hear more and more talk about a bubble. Ignore it. One well-known market guru said gold was in a bubble just yesterday. While gold and silver will eventually be in a bubble, this is a long way off. They are in bull markets. The two should not be confused. The simplest way to distinguish the two is by the price patterns and extent of the rallies. Bubbles have spectacular price rises that have been preceded by long multi-year continual rallies. Silver had a price collapse from almost $21 to under $9 in 2008. It is rallying up from the bottom. This is not a bubble pattern. Gold is up 53% off of its bottom from last year. When it was in a bubble at the end of the 1970s, it went up 400% the last year. Silver was up 1000%. When you see price rises like those in a single year, that is when you need to worry about a bubble. Until then, the trend is your friend.
The other nonsense floating around the media concerning the precious metals is they are not at inflation-adjusted highs and this is somehow a negative. Is it really? The same could have been said about U.S. stocks in the 1980s. Stocks had a major rally from those levels until they reached their inflation adjusted highs in the 1990s. Then, stocks had an even bigger rally after they reached this level. When an asset isn't trading at its inflation-adjusted high, this is a reason to invest in it because it means big profits can be made. Gold and silver have been reminding us of this almost every day lately.
Disclosure: Long gold and silver.
NEXT: U.S. Inflation Reports - Contradictions and Absurdity
Daryl Montgomery
Organizer,New York Investing meetup
This posting is editorial opinion. Like all other postings for this blog, there is no intention to endorse the purchase or sale of any security.
Nuvalent: A First Look
56 minutes ago
Some interesting materials...thx
Silver looks good.
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